Monday, October 8, 2018

MGT Adventures, Part One!!! Smash 4

Hi and welcome to another blog. This is the first blog of what I am calling MGT (for My Games Today) Adventures, where I take pictures for stories I make in games.

Today I played Super Smash Bros. for the Wii-U or Smash 4 which is much better name. OK let's talk about what Smash 4 really is so it's basically a fighting game were you knock each other off and who gets the most K.O.'s wins or you can set it to stock which means whoever stays alive the longest wins some times a boss appears.

First game me and my dad did was Mega Man vs Proto Man on Wily's Castle. I threw a bunch of missiles at Mega Man but most of them missed. Then we fought each other and iconic sub boss Yellow Devil spawned in! I just used the boss to distract Mega Man which worked!!! I got a K.O. and then died to Yellow Devil 2 times (he's a difficult partner) before we defeated Mega Man together. I got some nice pictures even while fighting. After that we went to our custom stage “Dragon” and got some sweet pictures and had a LOT of fun. 

After that me and my dad both played Samus, one normal and one dark, and Ridley came in as a boss fight. That's it that's all I wanted to talk about today.


  1. Super Smash Bros is crazy fun. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  2. I’ve never played this game, but now I really want to! That picture of a dragon riding a dragon is basically the coolest thing ever.

    1. yeah if you want to play that stage your going to have to make it or download it if that's still possible but still is crazy fun

  3. Fantastic Review nephew! Are you as excited as I am for the new Smash Bros? Its coming out on my birthday, so it must be a sign lol. Love and miss you guys, keep up the great writing!

    1. thanks I'm going to do a little bit less blogging so i can read some comment's so i can make new ideas in my blogging


Pokemon Go Outside [Pokemon Go]

Hello I'm back to blogging. Sorry I didn't blog for a WHILE but I'm back after like 6 MONTHS anyways let's get to the jui...